For a number of years, we have cooperated with the German environmental organisation, NABU.

The collaboration has resulted in a continuous development of our green initiatives.

NABU advises Scandlines regarding measures to make business more eco-friendly. Apart from ship operation there are also activities in process in other fields e.g. land management in ports and electricity supply.

NABU also advises Scandlines regarding the transition to even more eco-friendly ferries, solely driven by battery power.

The goal for both parties is zero direct emissions ferries within a few years.

Zero direct emissions is only a few years away

The ferries' energy need is high, and the charging must be possible within the 15 minutes in the harbours.

The independent analysis institute DNV has confirmed that our project is feasible within a few years.

The project is in progress

We are in close dialogue with collaboration partners within the fields of supplying, storing and transportation of energy. Moreover, we are in good contact with politicians and other relevant stakeholders.

We expect that excess capacities from local wind energy suppliers can provide the major part of the requested energy.

The goal for both Nabu and Scandlines is zero direct emissions ferries within a few years.