Reduce food waste

We reduce food waste by serving individual portions made to order, putting smaller amounts of food on the buffet at the time and by having less dishes from which to choose. Furthermore, we weigh left overs in order to monitor how much food is wasted – and this has a positive effect on how much food is prepared.

Food In Small Portions

Waste separation

We replace individual wastebaskets – each lined with a plastic bag – with designated waste bins in common areas. That way, the employees separate the waste as they dispose of it.

We separate all waste from our ferries either on board or in the harbours.

Well-being at work

Sustainability is also about well-being at work. At Scandlines, we focus on health, safety and diversity in particular. We serve healthy food in our messes and canteens; we offer help to stop smoking; and through frequent checks of our work place and knowledge sharing about dangerous or potentially dangerous incidents, we make sure that Scandlines is a safe place to work.

We would like to attract more women to the shipping industry, as the majority of employees in ship operation are men. Therefore, we have joined Danish Shipping’s ‘Charter for more women in shipping’.

Employees Copenhagen

Improving our ports

Scandlines is a pioneer in terms of moving towards green ferry operations without direct emissions. However, we do not stop at our ferries. 

The German environmental organisation NABU advises us regarding further measures to improve our sustainability performance. For example trough insect friendly flower meadows, nesting aids and insect hotels.

Just to name a few of the measures already taken:

  • a grass area of 1 hectare was turned into a colourful field of wild flowers
  • the provision of more than 40 nesting places for bats and swifts
  • the construction of an insect hotels
  • an emergency access road was not paved, so wild flowers can grow unrestrained

Charge your electric car at BorderShop Puttgarden and Rostock

In collaboration with the energy supplier E.ON, we have established fast chargers at the BorderShops in Puttgarden and in Rostock. The chargers make it easier for electric car drivers to drive to Scandinavia and back, thus taking one more step towards a green economy.

You can go shopping in our BorderShop while your electric car charges in BorderShops’ parking area. In Puttgarden, you also have the possibility to take a stroll on the pier and enjoy the view.

Charge your car for free at BorderShop

All customers with electric car can use the fast chargers at BorderShop for free. After only 20-30 minutes, the battery will be charged up to 80 percent.

Chargers For E Cars
Insect Hotel Puttgarden